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Smartphones ignite integrated circuit(IC)industry


Smartphones ignite integrated circuit(IC)industry

The past decade has been the best time for the IC industry. Driven by the large amount of smartphones and short replacement cycles, the semiconductor industry has experienced explosive growth, and many new companies have emerged, especially in mainland China. Under the influence of this trend, a lot of related supplies have emerged. Business.
  However, with the lack of innovation in smartphones, the decline in sales, and the impact of the global economic downturn, the chain reaction brought about by the decline of the smartphone industry has become increasingly apparent. The iPhone XR released a few days ago is not as expected, and there was a previous Nikkei report. Apple believes that it does not need so much capacity at present, forcing Foxconn to compress 60 production lines for iPhone XR to 45, which is 20 less than the original production. % to 25%. Another foundry and the same are facing the same situation. These news were finally reflected in their suppliers under the circumstance of many days.
  Recently, Apple's Face ID supplier Lumentum's plunge has finally sounded the alarm of Apple's mobile phone and even the entire smartphone market supplier. Earlier today, Goldman Sachs also announced that it will reduce Apple's iPhone production by 6%. This is the trend. The latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also pointed out that in the first ten months, domestic mobile phone market shipments fell by 15%.
  For the relevant manufacturers, the golden age of this decade may really end.
  Smartphones ignite IC industry
  Before the advent of smartphones, no end product would have huge user technology, strong replacement requirements, and even technical updates, which are rare in all other terminal products. It is in this big environment that the global semiconductor industry has entered a golden age.
  According to statistics, among the world's leading semiconductor companies that have grown steadily over the past decade, Qualcomm and Samsung have seen the most significant growth, mainly due to their performance on smartphone-related chips. As we all know, Qualcomm relies on its unique licensing model and deep product technology accumulation to eat the dividends of smart phones, which also promotes their rapid growth in the past ten years; as for Samsung, it faces the same situation. In particular, in the face of the shortage of storage in the past year, Samsung has taken Intel from the faucet of global semiconductor suppliers who have been sitting for more than 20 years. For example, Micron and SK Hynix are also beneficiaries of the era of smart phones; the demand for radios driven by smart phones has, to a certain extent, achieved the current new Broadcom, Skyworks and Qorvo, and the domestic wisdom.
  There are also manufacturers of MEMS microphones, which are also direct beneficiaries of the smartphone era. Whether it is AAC or Goer Acoustics, they all rely on Apple and embark on the peak of their career. The emergence of smart phones has also made glass manufacturers such as Berne Optics and Lansi Technology. If there are no smartphones, I believe they will not reach the height of today. Others, such as WIFI, Bluetooth and power suppliers, are full of credit in the era of smartphones.
  In addition to promoting industrial development on traditional semiconductor devices, smartphones have also transformed some of the existing technologies into mobile phones under the leadership of Apple, and have made a number of manufacturers.
  First of all, the camera function introduced by the smartphone not only makes Sony's repeated failures turn over, but Samsung has also recently emerged in this field. This field has also made the breakthrough of Gekewei and Siteway. In terms of the lens, it also gave the opportunity for the rise of the domestic Ou Feiguang and Haoyu technology.
  Secondly, the fingerprint recognition introduced by Apple on the iPhone 5S has driven the Android formation into this field. This not only drove the rapid growth of Swedish FPC, but also drove the domestic Huiding technology to the peak, which made Xinyi Technology, Fei Engel and Sili Wei and other companies; In addition, Apple led the entire smart phone industry into the era of OLED screens, which has made Samsung a success in this respect. On the other hand, it has also brought about the rise of domestic companies such as BOE, Visionox and Tianma Micro. The OLED Driver chip makers borrowed Dongfeng, not to mention.
  The Face ID, which has been popular since last year, once also made Lumentum mentioned at the beginning of the article, as well as Finisar, asm, IQE, and even the prosperity of the foundry. Domestic brands such as Ruixi, Huaxin, and Huihuixinguang, as well as Obi Zhongguang, have benefited from this trend and are favored by investors.
  The influence of the smartphone supply chain can be seen in the rise of domestic and foreign TWS-related chip suppliers detonated by AirPods, which was launched two years ago by Apple. Others such as foundries, equipment suppliers, OSAT, material suppliers, etc., also benefit from the development of smart phones. To some extent, smartphones are also an important support for some of them. Intel's performance over the past decade has once again confirmed the huge influence of smartphones.
  From the above, we can see that the rise of domestic related suppliers in the trend of smart phones is the biggest achievement of China's semiconductor-related industries in the past decade.

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